Feststellung einer Vaterschaft nach 120 Jahren. Das Beispiel des konföderierten Bürgerkriegssoldaten Ezekiel “Zeke” Harper


The 120-year-old skeletal remains of Confederate Civil War soldier Captain Ezekiel “Zeke” Harper were exhumed by court order in January 2011 for DNA analysis. The goal of the DNA testing was to support or refute whether Captain Harper had fathered a son (Earl J. Maxwell) with his Native American maid prior to his murder in 1892. Bones with adequate structural integrity (left tibia, right tibia, right femur, mandible, four teeth) were retrieved from the burial site and sent to the Institute of Applied Genetics in Fort Worth, Texas for analysis. Given the age and condition of the remains, three different extraction methods were used to maximize the probability of DNA recovery.

© Textausschnitt: Forensic science international. Genetics Vol. 9 (März 2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2013.10.014

