The aim of the Digital Philological/Etymological Dictionary of the Minor Language Corpora of Ancient Anatolia is to provide the first exhaustive lexical assessment of the entire corpus of the lesser attested ancient Anatolian languages, i.e. Hieroglyphic and Cuneiform Luwian, Lycian, Carian, Lydian, Palaic, Sidetic and Milyan (Lycian B). This includes the philological documentation of word usage with regard to semantics, grammar and context as well as cultural background and the historical linguistic interrelationships of the minor languages with Hittite and the other Indo-European languages, whereby the methodology of comparative historical linguistics plays an important role. The Digital Philological/Etymological Dictionary of the Minor Language Corpora of Ancient Anatolia is intended to serve as a fundamental resource for Hittitology and for Ancient Anatolian and Ancient Near Eastern Studies as well as for Indo-Europeanists. It will be published online (with multiple search options), printed (print-on-demand) and thus made accessible to a wide public including scholars of many different disciplines and other interested parties.
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