(geschichte.transnational): Transnational Studies MA, University College London

03.02.2012 Philippa Kaina
Institution: Department of History, University College London, London

This MA is a closely integrated cross-disciplinary programme taught by specialists from different UCL faculties, including experts on Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and East Asia. The course is aimed at students with an academic background in humanities, social and political sciences, law or global health as well as professionals working in the transnational sector (NGOs, international organisations, development)

What will I learn?
You will study the transnational movement of people, ideas and goods on a global scale and the impact of such connections on our social, political and cultural life worlds. Approaching transnationality as a historical and contemporary phenomenon, you will be taught by specialists in human rights, international relations, economics, health and migration.

Degree Structure:
Availability: Full-time 1 year; Part-time 2 years

Students undertake courses to the value of 180 credits.

Core modules:
Transnational Approaches (15 credits)
Research Skills (15 credits)
Students choose up to three optional courses (45 credits) from a list of over 30 modules in different disciplines. These might include:
– Cultural Exchange: methods and approaches
– Thinking Postcolonially
– International and EU Refugee Law
– Economics of Transition
– Population and Development
– Migration and Transformation
– Comparable Peace Processes
– Security, Identity, Polarity
– Anthropology of Art and Design
– Practical Documentary Filmmaking

The degree includes a half unit (15 credits) in a Modern Language at beginners or advanced level (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, major European languages, including Russian and Central European languages).

All students undertake an independent research project for which they produce a dissertation of 15,000 words (90 credits)
Centre for Transnational History >>

Kontakt: Dr Axel Körner
Department of History, University College London
Gower Street
London, WC1E 6BT
URL: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/history/prospective_students/prospec_master/ma_transnational
Zielgruppe: Graduierte
Land: United Kingdom
Sprache: English
Klassifikation: Regionaler Schwerpunkt: Regional übergreifend
Epochale Zuordnung: Epochal übergreifend
Thematischer Schwerpunkt: Transnationale Geschichte
URL zur Zitation dieses Beitrages: http://geschichte-transnational.clio-online.net/chancen/id=6909&type=stipendien

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