From: Raphael Konietzny
Date: 12.11.2012
Subject: Job: 10 x 0,5 Doctoral Positions "Diversity: Mediating
Difference in Transcultural Space" (Univ. Trier)
University of Trier, Trier, Montréal, 01.04.2013
Bewerbungsschluss: 31.12.2012
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Space", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), accepts applications for 10 doctoral research positions (TVL 13, 50%) over the period of 3 years.
Starting Date: 1st April 2013.
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) "Diversity" is a joint doctoral education program of the University of Trier, Saarland University and the Université de Montréal.
The IRTG "Diversity" proposes an innovative research program in the contested fields of diversity, multiculturalism, and transnationalism by examining paradigmatic changes and historical transformations in interpreting multicultural realities in North America (Québec and Canada in particular) and Europe (Germany and France in particular) since the 18th century. Focusing on dynamic processes that engender diversity, its analytical framework offers new perspectives for transnational and area studies as well as cross-cultural research. Through the transversal analytic lenses of politics, practices, and narratives, the IRTG investigates the mediation and translation of cultural differences in micro-, meso- and macro-level empirical constellations with a special focus on the sliding-scaled spatial zones of Montréal-Québec-Canada-North America and of the Saar-Lor-Lux region - Germany/France - Europe.
The three-year research-oriented curriculum, based on regular meetings of the doctoral students and the researchers, including intensive summer and winter schools, a dissertation workshop with external experts, a mid-term international conference, and internships in business, public administration, the media, etc. will provide doctoral students the competencies to participate as leading actors in the vibrant international debate on the social, cultural and political linkages
between people, places and institutions crossing nation-state borders and creating local places of diversity. On the theoretical level, the IRTG will help to untangle the conceptual confusions characterizing the current state of debate and contribute an empirically saturated, historicized operationalization of core concepts such as diversity, transculturalism, and space.
The IRTG invites the application of highly qualified applicants from diverse fields, including history, political science, literature (Francophone and Anglophone Canadian literature), linguistics, intercultural communication and media studies, philosophy, sociology/cultural anthropology, gender studies and human geography.
Doctoral researchers are provided guidance, office space, and access to the research facilities of the participating universities. Applications can be submitted in one of the three languages of the International Research Training Group: German, French and English.
Applications are due 31st December 2012 and should include the following:
- statement of purpose (no longer than three pages)
- outline of dissertation
- curriculum vitae
- two recent letters of reference
- copies of earned degrees (including copy of higher education entrance qualification)
- proof of language skills (English, French, German)
- writing sample (preferably the MA thesis)
- DFG-based data survey questionnaire
Candidates with severe disabilities will be given priority in case their qualification level is the same as that of other applicants.
For further information about the IRTG "Diversity" please consult our website at
Please send your applications via e-mail (subject: IRTG Diversity) to:
Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl
Universität Trier
Fachbereich III - Internationale Geschichte
54286 Trier
e-mail: [email protected]
Please include all application material in one pdf or zip-file.
Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl
Universität Trier
Fachbereich III - Internationale Geschichte
54286 Trier
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